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Reedkeeper's Journey

The only way back is forward


Begin Your Journey 

Episode 1 - Plagued by nightmares by the Woman with the Eyes, Michael Reed joins his friends in exploring a new cave in a temporary distraction from his problems. 


Lates Episode

About the Story

Reedkeeper's Journey is a serial podcast written and read by Mark Diaz. Set in the 1980s the story follows several teenagers who are transported to a land where mankind is a myth.


As they search for a way home, the young adults navigate a world full of mythical creatures and unknown pitfalls while battling the demons of their past.


About the Author

Born and raised in California, Mark Diaz fell in love with writing at a young age. After several years as a journalist, he decided to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a Fantasy/Horror author. 

After living abroad and traveling far and wide, Mark resides on the California Central Coast with his wife, son and their dog Bailey.



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